Feminist Lit BC: The Power
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February’s book is The Power is Now by Naomi Alderman.
“By gleefully replacing the protocols of one gender with another, Alderman has created a thrilling narrative stuffed with provocative scenarios and thought experiments. The Power is a blast.” – Suzi Feay, Financial Times UK
“Electrifying! Shocking! Will knock your socks off! Then you’ll think twice, about everything.” – Margaret Atwood
I was riveted by every page. Alderman’s prose is immersive and, well, electric, and I felt a closed circuit humming between the book and me as I read…I felt so hungry, reading this book, for a ball of lightning in my hand instead of keys between my knuckles on a long walk home at night. I felt hungry for the victory of these women…over those who would hurt them. – The New York Times Book Review – Amal El-Mohtar
Discussion will be via Zoom on Saturday, April 2 at 10 AM PDT | 1 PM EDT. Once you subscribe to our book club list, you will receive messages from us regarding our book club and Zoom information.
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